Vandana Arora, an Indian artist is participating in the World Art Dubai 2023

Vandana Arora is an intuitive/ portrait artist. She explores a sense of freedom and lets her express things that she probably couldn't express verbally. That's when she learned abstract art, and it taught her to let go off the control we think we have over life. All these years of making art made her realize we all, as humans have this innate ability within ourselves to heal through art. Vandana Arora started working towards making programs that would help others have this happy realization too. And now she also makes art for herself and works in different industries which require art to live a stressful free life.

Art Works

'Thou art that' artwork depicts how we all are different in color, creed, and ethnicity, yet in the eyes of the source, we are all one. This is the meaning of 'Thou art that". Ultimately, this is the only realization we all are walking towards. It might take some a month, some a year, and for some lifetimes. After all, we are all just walking each other home. 'Thou art that' is the message that art wants to send out to the world through this artwork.

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