"Connection of the soul with the Universe" - 115x75cm, Oil Colour on Canvas Painting by Syrian Artist Nizar Al Hattab

connection of the soul with the universe, oil colour, oil painting, oil on canvas, canvas painting, oil artwork, syrian artist, nizar al hattab, original art, original artwork, artsmiley

"Connection of the soul with the Universe", Oil Colour on Canvas Painting by Syrian Artist Nizar Al Hattab.

Connecting with your soul is self-realization. Souls have embodied bodies and minds. To connect with our soul, we must shift our vision to see that we are more than just bodies and minds. Meditation empowers us to identify with our soul and allow it to guide our lives. 

Transform your life by thinking, speaking, and acting from your soul's central guiding power. How we perceive the world no longer depends on our ego. It becomes evident that God is present in everything in a vibrant, living way. People and nature are moving the lights of God to the soul. The empowered soul experiences an exceptional connection.

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