Orchha Parrots - Oil painting on canvas.

Orchha Parrots

Orchha Parrots -  50*60cm  - Oil Colors on canvas.

Available original or print on canvas (limited edition) on Art Smiley. Architectural expressionistic painting.

Green Parrots Flying around a palace in Orchha (India).

It's a reworking of a watercolor that I realized during a trip to India in 2010. Seizing the flight of birds typical of the place, the colors and shapes in motion.

Published in the italian book “Storia dell’Arte figurativa italiana” by Swing Edizioni.

It was chosen for the catalog “D.O.C. Artisti su cui investire”.

Published on the Journal “EFFETTO ARTE” in July 2016, curated by Paolo Levi.

World wide shipping available.

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